Polyprism Symmetries
A polyprism
is a solid formed by joining equal equilateral triangular prisms
at matching faces.
A polyprism
can have any of 32 forms of symmetry, including asymmetry.
Here are minimal examples of them.
Not all are uniquely minimal.
1-Fold Symmetry (Asymmetry)
This tetraprism has no symmetry.
2-Fold Symmetry
Polyprisms have 7 types of binary symmetry.
3-Fold Symmetry
Polyprisms may have one form of ternary symmetry,
generated by rotations on the vertical coordinate axis.
4-Fold Symmetry
Polyprisms have 7 types of quaternary symmetry.
6-Fold Symmetry
Polyprisms have 7 types of senary symmetry.
8-Fold Symmetry
Polyprisms have one form of octonary symmetry.
12-Fold Symmetry
Polyprisms have 7 types of duodenary symmetry.
24-Fold Symmetry
Polyprisms have one form of 24-fold symmetry.
Last revised 2020-07-18.
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Col. George Sicherman